Jnnifer's Body is the latest film from Oscar winning writer of Indie hit 'Juno', Diablo Cody
Directed By Karyn Kusama and starring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfriend the film is a Horror comedy with a twist
Jennifer (Fox) is the most popular girl is school, but when she becomes an unwitting sacrafice for a rock band that thinks the only way to chart success is by doing deals with the devil, all hell is unleashed on the quiet little twon of Devils Kettle.
To describe the film as a Horror comedy is about right. Its definitely Horror first and comedy second and the film is quite gruesome and bloody for what is essentially a teen flick.
Megan Fox seems pretty at ease playing the pretty girl who uses her sexually to get what she wants (funny that) but the real star and main character is Amanda Seyfried. As Jennifer's best friend Needy, she has the majority of the plot and makes the most of it
What i really like about the film is how despite what you have seen in the trailer, you are still kept wondering whats going on. The film starts at the end and then plots out how we got to that point, and its seems its poor Needy that has got the worse deal out of this whole bloody mess
Anyway, this film is never going to win an oscar, and I suspect Diablo Cody knew that when writing it, but if you are after a good old fashioned Horror film with plenty of teen wit thrown in for good measure this is it. It would be horror comedy of the year except for the brilliant Zombieland. But just like Needys character, its going to have to learn to play second fiddle...for now at least
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