Do you get the feeling that when the world finally ends, Roland Emmerich will be stood there gleefully rubbing his hands saying "I told you so"? After all he pretty much has all bases covered, whether it be Alien attack, Global warming or ancient Mayan prophecies, he has to be right with one of them!!!
2012 is the latest disaster movie from the king of disaster movies and it follows very similar themes as his other films, although I think its unfair to say this is a re-hashing. What is fair to say though, is that if you loved independence day then there is no way you can't love this film.
2012 follows the Mayan prophecy that in December 2012, the world will end. This starts by the warming of the sun heating the earths core, which causes giant earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves
As with all of Emmerich's films though, this follows the human story behind the event. Mostly focussing on little known writer Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) who is trying to spend time with his ex wife and kids and feeling increasingly frustrated as the new man in the picture seems like more of a father figure to his kids than he is.
We also follow scientist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) as he tries to predict the path of the devastation only to find the governemnt already knew more about this that previous thought
The cast is great with Ejiofor and Cusack leading the way, but they also get great support from Thandie Newton, Danny Glover, Amanda Peet and The brilliant Woody Harrelsons crazy radio broadcaster
Followers of Emmerich's films wont be dissapointed by its content, you know its going to explore a few father/son relationships (and father/daughter), you know there is going to be more than one rousing speech about humanity, and you know there will be a dog in peril that just about escapes with his life
These have become Emmerichs trademarks, but they all work. The story may be slightly long, and the ending seemes to go on forever, but as a race, do we really want to go out with a bang or a whimper
As far as summer popcorn movies (bit late for summer i know, but humour me) this is one of the finest of the year, its big, bold, brash and cheesey, but perfect way to pass a few hours. This will do massive at the box office due to the special effect, I mean, who doesn't want to see the world get destroyed, safe in the knowledge you will still be sleeping safe that night
As for Emmerich, this may be his final hurrah, I mean how many times can you destroy earth. At least he has made sure that this time, he did it properly
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