Viral marketing is such a buzz term at the moment
You will probably have heard of the term loads of times. Obama was elected 44th President of the US using probably the most intense and sophisticated viral marketing campaign ever launched
But what does it all mean?
Well its basically any form of promotion using the internet and usually social networking and often involves clever, manipulative, disguised campaigns. The fact that you are reading this blog is probably due to viral marketing (facebook, twitter), but hopefully that doesnt make you think less of me ( and even if it does, continue with me and i will redeem myself, i promise)
So the best example of Viral marketing in movies happened a decade ago. The Blair With Project made everyone believe , at least initially, that the whole things was a documentary based on real life events. Missing posters, police reports and, witness interviews were all placed online to perpetuate the Blair Witch myth. This all conspired to the The Blair Witch Project become the highest grossing film of all time when measured against production costs. By the time the film hit the UK, it didnt matter that everyone knew it was a hoax, the internet hype had created a worlwide buzz that made the film a hit.
Some other great Viral ad campaigns were launched for the films A.I., Batman - The Dark Knight, and The Da Vinci Code (well not all great)
The reason I am talking Viral ads is that is becoming an increasingly powerful tool for the films marketing staff. In todays internet crazy society they have to come up with more and more interesting ways to give us sneak previews of films
If you know what to look for (and this is where I help) you can get some great little teasers, check out links below for virla campaigns for new films, District 9, Iron Man 2, and 2012.
District 9
Iron man 2
Andy x
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