Inglourious Basterds
153 mins
Quentin Tarantino is back, and after the disappointing grindhouse double bill, where tarantnos death proof was totally over shadowed by Robert Rodriguez’s, far superior planet terror,
everyone will want to know if this is a return to form
The simple answer is yes. This film is tarantino through and through, the trademark clever dialogue, the over the top violence and the complete disregard for historical accuracy are all in place
Anyone looking to see an accurate depiction of the second world war should stay at home and watch the History channel, tarantino has about as much regard for history as his Jewish characters have for their Nazi counterparts
As the films starts with a once upon a time heading, you realise this is a twisted fairy tale where Jews are knights and the Nazis are dragons to be slayed (or slain,, take your pick)
Tarantinos boldness is illustrated by the casting of A lister Brad pitt and then only using his sparingly, the real centre point of the film is unknown Austrian actor Christoph Waltz who delvers an amazing performance in a variety of languages
As with all Tarantino's films, the real meat is with the characters, and whether its the Basterds death squad, or Shosanna's revenge plot, these are well crafted charcters that you can't help but like despite some truly horrific acts. these horrific acts are quite sporadic, and the film, really builds up some great tension with the intense dialogue being muttered in several languages
Overall I think anyone who liked their fiction pulped, and their bills, well killed, will be happy with his latest offering, and film fans in general will find enough in this cross homage between spaghetti westerns and war films to keep them entertained
This is a must watch film
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