This is not a love story
from the opening disclaimer to the end credits it seems very clear that (500)days of summer isnt your average rom-com. In fact, the film seems to go out of its way to avoid the usual cliches and in my opinion ends up all the better for it
Rom-coms exist on a very tried and very tested formula, guy meets girl, throw an obstacle in their way, they overcome that obstacle and end up living happily ever after. Nothing wrong with this, and if you are someone that needs a bit of sugar to help your popcorn go down then you probably would of been better watching the proposal.
(500) days strives to be original, and this could come across as feeling forced and contrived, but the writing and stellar performances from Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt dont allow that
Directed by first timer Marc Webb, he goes for the understated yet stylish, but also takes the breath aswy with a big musical number and an expectation vs reality split screen that works fantasically well
here we have a story of role reversals, guy meets girl, guy falls in love and girl wants to keep it casual. the most interesting and well used part of the tale is the time frame. set over 500 days it flits back and forth at random as we see snapshots of their blossoming relationship.
The one complaint I would have is that, although interesting, it seems a part Deschanel could do in her sleep, and the real meat and bones is left to Gordon-Levitt who is fortunately up to the task
With its indie charm, killer soundtrack and off-beat romance, this for me is one of the films of the year and a must see
so what you wating for...
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